Up2Us is a Health and Social Care provider for children and young people between 12 and 26

We are registered with the Scottish Care Inspectorate to provide


Care Home Service

Housing Support Service

Care at Home Service

  • Care Home Service

  • Housing Support Service

  • Care at Home Service

Our promise is to help young people to achieve better life experiences, better life chances and better wellbeing!

Care Inspectorate - 5 Stars

Up2Us Housing Support / Care at Home

Care Inspectorate Rating 2023
Care Inspectorate - 5 Stars

Up2Us Care

Care Inspectorate Rating 2022

Up2Us Principles and Values

Your needs and rights are at the centre of everything we do.

We will build relationships with you at your pace and we will never give up trying.

Our relationships with you are based on love, compassion, honesty, trust, respect and dignity.

We focus on your strengths and support you through challenges. We do not judge, blame or reinforce negative labels.

We will help you to feel safe and secure

Our decisions and actions are consistent and based on our understanding of trauma and difficulty.

We will ask your views about decisions that affect your life and help you to find the right solutions.

We will work in partnership with you, your family, and other services that support you as one team.